Speaking Mandalas
My name is Raluca and I am originally from Romania, EU. I am a personal development coach who moved to the UK in 2019. Ever since I was a child, I have been preoccupied with the unseen world and phenomena that are harder to explain with words. I have over 30 years of personal research initiation and study courses and rich experience working with people who have requested work sessions for their personal development. I have learned from shamanic trainers several techniques that I use to guide myself on my life's journey and help other people to stay in their power.
One unique tool that I personally developed and used for readings is a set of 62 mandalas.
I designed this virtual workshop, especially for those of you who do not have time, to go physically to a location, but want with all your heart, to do these kinds of tests and exercises. Thank you for choosing to color a mandala to get to know you better.
Also, please before we take a new step together on this path you can read more about my qualification on the "About me" page. Thank you.
How do I “read” the mandala after it is colored by you?
It is a unique and original method different from what you have encountered on the market. I apply an extrasensory visualization technique, which is called "reading in the four states" combined with other personal gifts. Basically, I go into a kind of conscious trance and write what I "see, hear, and feel" in my authentic way. In my shamanic activity, I prefer to work with topics related to personal development. One of the tools that I have developed in my shamanic work is this reading in colored mandalas. This technique is entirely mine and is inspired by the healing stone reading technique combined with other information and my personal gift.
During the time I was active in Romania till 2019, I interpreted the coloring of over two hundred mandalas, and each time interesting aspects emerged that helped those who requested this exercise.
What is this exercise useful for?
- Self-knowledge.
- Personal Development.
- Relaxation.
- Balancing the hemispheres.
- Decisions at key moments.
Who can participate?
Any mature and mentally healthy person who really wants to take this test.
This virtual tool I am offering you is a shamanic reading of a mandala imprinted with your energy. When the reading is ready you will receive it in electronic format by e-mail. This is why communication via e-mail is essential.
About mandalas:
First of all, I hope that you know what a mandala is. A mandala is mostly a circular design with symbols inside. With a quick search on the Internet, you can find definitions and examples. For this reading, I am using 62 mandalas, picked up from this site:
How you will chose a mandala?
The next step is to take a deep breath and feel what number between 1 and 62 is calling you, then use the request form for Speaking Mandala reading to communicate to me the number of mandala. I will sent to you on your email the mandala corresponding with you chosen number.
We will use this channel for information exchange and further details. We will chat and I will give you all the details about the next step.
How do you use a mandala?
After receiving the colorless mandala drawing in the mail, use a printer and print it on paper. Find a peaceful place where you can be by yourself, meditate a bit, and think about what you would like to know, and what you expect from this exercise. For a good atmosphere, you can use your favorite music, essential oils, or even the pleasure of going out in nature. It's your choice. The important thing is to be able to detach yourself from the world around you and to give yourself at least half an hour just for your soul.
How do you color mandalas?
Use only colored pencils because even the way you draw lines to fill the spaces you choose is a message for me. Once you have obtained that necessary peace, choose colors at random and bring the mandala to life. Put the color where you fil. Let yourself inspired.
How do you send your colored mandala?
You will need to take a picture of the mandala in a way so the colors look like the actual drawing and the image is clearly visible and face to face in a way that the circle is perfect (not on a side). Use natural light as much as possible when you take the picture. You can also scan it but take care to have a fiddle image and save the scan in jpg format. Then, please send me the electronic file by e-mail and payment. I can also ask you to redo the picture if is a situation that the file is not OK.
How you will pay to me for the reading?
The price for this product is £25. You will do the payment when you will send me the colored mandala for interpretation. Please make the payment when you finish the coloring, you took a realistic picture and sent me back the colored mandala by e-mail for interpretation. You can pay on my WISE multicurrency account that I provide you or with PayPal on shaman.raluca@gmail.com
When you receive the reading?
I am doing this reading as I described at the beginning of this page. After that, I will send back to you on email a PDF file with the interpretation of your work in a maximum of 3 days.
Thank you for coming on my site and I just wait to see your request.